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Advisory Services & Change Management

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Kurium Partners help organizations manage the change associated with implementing complex initiatives.  We blend professional project management with change management best practices and create parallel paths of execution - one to ensure projects are completed on time and on budget, and another to address the human factors critical to adoption and sustainability.


Kurium Partners’ process of integrating change management into the planning process solicits buy-in from stakeholders, who are thereby likely to become change advocates.  By partnering with us, your execution competency and success rates are greatly increased while personnel adoption, critical to sustaining performance, is assured.


Other Advisory Services we provide include:

  • Planning and Scheduling

  • Third Party Inspection/Intervention

  • Progress Reporting and Management Review 

  • Benchmarking and Lessons Learned

  • Tenders review and proposal optimization

  • Project Feasibility Studies

  • Nigerian Local Content Advisory Services

  • Partnering with Local and International Contractors/Technology Services Providers

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